Manage data in Protectorion

Manage data in Protectorion

You can work with your data in the file safe as you would in Windows. Copy, Paste, Delete, Edit, Save, Rename – everything works exactly like in Windows. In order to work with data in file safe,you must first select them: single files and folders can be selected with the left mouse button.

Select multiple files and folders by pressing SHIFT + Up or SHIFT + Down. Select distributed files and folders by pressing the left mouse button while holding down the CTRL button. Press CTRL + A to select all files and folders.

Open files and folders by clicking on them with the left mouse button. Open with… lets you choose which program opens the file. You can edit files in the file safe directly and also save modified files.

You can create new folders by selecting Create folder… (Right-click/Create folder…). Files and folders can be Copied, Cut, Pasted and Deleted by either dragging with the mouse (Drag & Drop) or using the respective function by right clicking with the mouse (e.g. Right-click/Cut). To delete data drag it with the mouse to the Recycle Bin. All functions can also be executed from Main menu File or Edit as well as from the Toolbar.

In the Main menu options next to the respective functions are their corresponding hotkeys (e.g. CTRL + X). When you delete data in the file safe it is moved to the Recycle Bin. You can select single files in the Recycle Bin and delete them permanently from the Recycle Bin by using the function Delete (Right-click/Delete). The complete contents of the Recycle Bin can be deleted by selecting the Recycle Bin and then Empty Recycle Bin (Right-click/ Empty Recycle Bin).

Both the deletion of files and folders in the Recycle Bin and the emptying of the Recycle Bin deletes the data permanently. The data cannot be recovered, even with the use of special software for data recovery.

To restore data, which is in the Recycle Bin, Cut (Right-click/Cut) it in the Recycle Bin and then paste it to the desired folder in Protectorion.

Just as with the Delete function, you can also recover it with Drag & Drop. Drag the data with the mouse to the Recycle Bin to delete or drag it from the Recycle Bin to the desired location to restore.